Canadian Blood Services

Stretch Fest LogoLogo_Proceeds-in-support Logos-ENG.jpg

Stretch Fest is a carnival of family fun in honour of the recent sudden passing of Beloved Balloon Man and Calgary Farmers Market(s) regular, Michael Stretch.

Stretch Fest encompasses joy while giving back and raising awareness for organ donation. In his passing, he was an example of how, even in death, we can continue to give and add value to the lives of others.

In passing, Michael was able to donate some major organs to make others’ lives better. A typical selfless act by a remarkable man. He was always one to extend his kindness. His community wishes to celebrate his life and his good nature.

The Calgary Community of Childrens’ Entertainers and Performers are donating their services over two separate weekends to raise awareness and funds for Organ and Tissue Donation.

Michael Stretch


A single organ donor can save up to eight lives and a single tissue donation can improve the lives of up to 75 patients. Canadian Blood Services works with the Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation (OTDT) community to help increase access to transplants, improve patient outcomes and save more lives.

Your financial donation to the area of organs and tissues will help strengthen our national inter-provincial organ sharing program and increase organ and tissue donation across the count

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